Navigating Adversity with Qigong

After the recent spate of destructive fires in San Diego County during mid-May many students expressed that they noticed a considerable difference in how they navigated through the days of fires. They reported that because of their qigong practice they were able to stay more present and maintain more inner calm, acceptance and trust than…

Becoming Your Own Master

In Chinese numerology the number nine symbolizes the end of a cycle as well as the beginning of a new cycle, it can be a time of great harmony. About nine years ago, after many years training and practicing internal martial arts, qigong, yoga and meditation, Leonard and I went to China to immerse ourselves…

New Life & New Year

As 2014 begins, Leonard and I are feeling most blessed to be in the midst of a superlative privilege, that of becoming grandparents. Healthy and strong twin girls were born to our daughter and her husband in late December. I am elated to share this news with you, but what does it have to do…

Winter Wisdom

For those of us living in the northern hemisphere, we know that the winter solstice is the day with the fewest hours of sunlight. Many of us look forward to this day because it marks the beginning of the gradual increase in daylight hours. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, winter is the most yin season. The…