My mission is pure and simple: To bring the ancient wisdom of qigong to those who wish to live happier and healthier lives today.

My Qigong Journey

I experienced turbulent times when I was growing up that led me to find solace in the natural world. The blue sky, the trees, the earth and the ocean is where I felt at home. Nature was my refuge. This was the beginning of my qigong journey.

After years of studying various Asian healing arts, including martial arts, I immersed myself in qigong in the mountains of Sichuan Province, China in 2005. Being in those sacred mountains was profoundly transformational and changed my life view forever. Qigong awakened my inherent abilities for healing through connecting with the natural world. With qigong I felt I had come home.

Gratitude and Passion

I am deeply grateful for my teachers in China who bestowed their abundant wisdom, generosity, and kindness. They encouraged me with their wise counsel to “go home and help others by teaching qigong”. This ignited in me a passion to become a qigong teacher myself.

Teaching has brought much fulfillment to my life. It is a privilege to be with and share qigong with those who have come to love and appreciate the power of qigong as I do. It is an honor to be a part of your journey in becoming happier and healthier.

Navigating Modern Life with Qigong

With the rapid changes and challenges our society is facing, it is more important than ever to have a self-healing and wellness practice in your life. For that reason I am even more inspired and dedicated to helping you navigate present-day obstacles with qigong.

Qigong always supports us in discovering our own self-healing abilities. I’m continually practicing, learning and strengthening my own abilities so I can provide the most benefit to you.

Sharing Kindness and Joy

Inspired by my teachers, I try to pass on their kindness and joy to make it the heart of my classes and workshops. Plus, I love to laugh, so you can count on some fun and lightheartedness when we come together for qigong.

You are invited to join our growing qigong community by experiencing a class or workshop soon. You’ll discover how to get your qigong practice started and how qigong can support and enhance your well-being. You can learn more by browsing our articles and by joining a class here.

Qi is plentiful,