Wendy Stark’s Effortless Qigong Haiku During our Hawaii retreat in November students were given the option of writing daily haiku. The purpose was to help in connecting with the earth, sky and ocean all round us. Writing haiku supported us in noticing the natural world while also simultaneously opening us to our inner nature/landscape. This process…
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Qigong in the Classroom Begins with a Single Breath After my first class with Martha, I realized that a simple qigong practice would greatly assist my students in maximizing their personal, social and academic potential. Even though I had 34 years of teaching, a decade of practicing meditation and entered the 21st century as a learner…
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I have learned through qigong to focus my energy better.
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A Cup of Qi When I first heard the words Elfin Forest, mystical, magical pictures came to mind, like elves…wizards…pine forests and lakes. The road to Elfin Forest winds though hills and dales colored with California flora (thanks to much-needed rain). Ageless oaks, rather than the dark green pine forests I had imagined, shade the…
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Finding the treasure is so simple. Sit down, and breathe a little. Or a lot. Do your qigong and find your immortality.
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Meet Vicki Pilling: A Life Changing Practice “A Teacher, They come, They go, Then never know, But they do change you.” This 7th grade student was forever changed after writing this simple yet profound message. He had found his voice in the written word. What a gift. Yes, I know that this was written many moons…
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Zhineng qigong has made such a difference in my life on many levels.
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Meet Akino Tsuchiya: Qi is Like a Best Friend Last year, I decided to try Tai Chi and started searching for a local class when somehow Martha’s Qigong website showed up. What is qigong? It took no time for me to figure out that qigong is what we call Kikou in Japanese. I had not tried…
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This is a restorative practice but with deadlines and teaching isn’t always achieved.
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Qigong is one of the most profound systems that I have practiced.
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Meet Barry Blackburn: Effortlessly in “The Zone” Qigong students sharing their experience is an inspiring way to learn more about the many possible ways that qigong can enhance your life. We were delighted to hear about Barry’s experience with his 100-day gong. I found it particularly meaningful as Barry is no stranger to working with qi. He…
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Zhineng Qigong has continued to be a source of support to me in body, mind and spirit. I am strong, energetic and flexible again.
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